I first discovered the powerful healing properties of acupuncture when I was caring for my dying father. I received acupuncture treatment during that extremely difficult time and attribute my ability to stay grounded and healthy to the treatments I received. This experience eventually prompted me to leave my home state of Maine and travel to Oregon to study Chinese medicine and acupuncture at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) in Portland. After graduation from OCOM, I traveled to Nanjing, China to study at the China Nanjing International Acupuncture Training Center. I am also a nutritional therapy practitioner and am certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association.
I strongly believe in the body’s unique ability to heal itself. Using a combination of acupuncture, nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, cupping, healing touch and a liberal dose of humor, I treat many conditions such as: pain, mental and emotional issues, digestive upset, PMS, insomnia, cold and flu symptoms, allergies, immune support and fatigue. I offer treatment and support through all stages of pregnancy and postpartum recovery. It has also been my experience that regular acupuncture is very beneficial for athletes, not only for injury recovery, but helps to maintain optimum performance, especially supporting weight bearing joints and reducing inflammation after hard workouts or competition.
I enjoy supporting women as they navigate all the stages of menopause and have a special interest in working with all people 40 and older and I endeavor to be a joyful inspiration and helping hand to mature people who have the desire to age with grace, humor and agility of both mind and body.
I believe, however, that the biggest gift to my patients is my ability to see them as they truly are – whole and healthy – despite whatever condition may be manifesting at the time. I offer a guiding light to help patients find their way smoothly and easily back to joyful and vibrant well-being.
I recently moved back home to Maine and currently live with my husband, Joe, on Great Cranberry island. I have 2 grown sons who also live on the island. In my free time, I enjoy gardening, cooking and bird watching. Recently I have been enjoying the joys and challenges of restoring a 130 year old family home.
Winner of the following Natural Choice Awards sponsored by Natural Awakenings Magazine in Portland Oregon
2013 - Favorite Natural Choice Women's Health Specialist
2015 - Favorite Acupuncturist / TCM Practitioner